Kröpelin — Partying In The Baltic Sea Air

Being the town of Kröpelin and only a dozen kilometers from the fresh Baltic Sea air isn’t the only thing going for this charming town, or its other villages in the Collective Municipality of the same name. Nope, it just means you’re able to enjoy the best of the Baltic and a traditional northern German town.

Now, if I’m anything, I’m honest, so I’ll tell you there’s not a whole lot to do as far as traditional sightseeing. But, don’t let that stop you — because Kröpelin is a party-throwing town, if ever I saw one.

Since I mentioned sightseeing first, we’ll kick it off there.

You’ll want to see its Stadtkirche (City Church), whose origins date back to more than 700 years ago. That’s right, do the math, making this pretty brick church a medieval one. It’s also the venue for a number of Kröpelin’s cultural events.

Many centuries later, along came its Galerieholländerwindmühle (Gallery Dutch Windmill), only built in 1904. Want more old stuff? Ok, then head to the village of Groß Siemen, where on An der Sieme you’ll find things like a thatched roof cottage, an old manor house, and even a half-timbered barn.

Altenhagen has one of those old 19th century farmhouses, and Kröpelin’s Rathaus (Town Hall) in the Classicist style that was popular way-back-when. And while you’re at it, go to Hauptstraße 5; that’s where you’ll find the Stadtmuseum (City Museum). Its schedule changes during the winter months, so it’s best to plan accordingly.

Don’t balk at a north German winter — how else will you be able to enjoy the town’s two (that’s right, 2) Christmas Markets? Puhleeze, this isn’t even the half of it, although most of Kröpelin’s parties are when it’s a tad warmer.

The Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night) festivities are a great way to welcome the much awaited season, held in April, followed by the Maibaumfest the very next day on May 1st, followed by the Apfelblütenfest (Apple Blossom Festival) in the same month.

Mid-June is perfect for both the Rosenfest (Rose Festival) and the Mühlenfest, or Mill Festival. July isn’t gonna be outshine, so it has a 2-day rocking Dorffest (Village Festival) as well as a classical Sommerkonzert (Summer Concert). And August has the Stadterntedankfest, or City Thanksgiving.

Phew! Didn’t I tell you this place was a party town? Maybe it’s that Baltic air…


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