Prüm — Lovely In Any Season, For Any Reason

Once you think you’ve figured out all there is to Prüm, you’re sadly mistaken. Some might know this town as a holy place, others as a winter wonderland — complete with all the snowy activities you could think off, for some it’s history that draws them, while others ponder its serene countryside within the Eifel.

The amazing part? Each and every one would be correct.

With proper German efficiency, you could actually combine the history and holy together for this one. How so? Simple, the Prüm Abbey. Excuse me, the Abtei Prüm, as it’s called in German. Whatever name you’ve chosen to call it, still doesn’t change the fact that the Prüm Abbey looks mighty good for being thirteen hundred years old — founded way back in 721.

That’s not even the most historical part of visiting the Abtei, by the way. Housed within these stunning pinky/peachy twin-towered walls are said to be the Sandals of Christ — relics from two millennia ago. Another piece of history is also housed within the now Baroque church walls, since this is the final resting place of Lothar I — King of Bavaria, King of the Lombards, and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

As exciting as learning about all that might be, I’m gonna have to say Prüm’s countryside will also get you up out of your seat. Because it’s out here in the fresh air that you’ll find things like the ruins of Burg Schönecken, a Fountain & Sculpture Park, and more hiking and biking paths than anyone could possible do with a month of Sundays.

My favorite is the Eifel-Ardennes-Venn Cycle Route, a route hat somehow manages to condense three entirely different landscapes in just 40 short kilometers. Sorry, you’ll be on your own if you’re tackling one of the longer trails.

I’d rather be saving my energy for all the winter activities — downhill skiing, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, and winter hiking. However, it’s during the summer that Prüm pulls out all stops. Every year from the last Sunday in June, through August, there are all sorts of shows and competitions taking place, in what’s known around these parts as Prümer Sommer, or Prüm Summer.

Summer, Winter, whatever the season (and reason) you’re coming to Prüm, I know deep-down you’re just gonna love it.


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