German Facts You Will Want To Know

Learning as many German facts as possible is a good thing to do whether you live in Germany or are coming for a short or long visit. It makes you so much more knowledgeable in the ways of the country. You’ll fit right in.

Germany is on Central European Time or CET. If flying in, you can set your watch to the time announced by the flight attendant so you can begin operating on the correct time. To ask “What time is it?” in German, you say “Wie viel Uhr ist es?” Even if you slaughter it badly, they will figure out what you mean.

It would be a great idea to learn German numbers, so you can understand when someone answers your question about the time. The other words it would be good to know would be nach which is “past,” and vor which means “before.” If someone then says, “Es ist zwanzig nach vier,” you’ll know they mean it’s twenty past four.

If you arrive in Germany for the first time on a holiday, you’ll know it because the shops will be closed. We Germans celebrate holidays that are known throughout the world, such as Easter and Christmas. We also celebrate a Day of German Unity and a few others that are only recognized in Germany.

Of course, one of the most important German facts is knowing about the German weather. Perhaps for a vacation that will be less crowded and fairly pleasant weather-wise, you could choose spring to tour the country. Spring lasts from March to May. But summer is a great time too!

The German climate varies from North to South. In the summer in the north, the daytime temperatures don’t get much above 90 degrees. In the central regions, you should always be prepared for rainy days, because they are inevitable. The same is true for the south, although the temperatures here are mild throughout the year.

Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with German currency. The Euro is now this country’s money. If you still have some older coins or bills from earlier visits, you can exchange them at a bank. The Euro is equal to about 1.3 American dollars (but this changes regularly — always check it at the bank.)

Another important German fact is that the population of Germany is growing. It’s a popular place to live and work. There are over 82 million now. The vast majority of Germany is Caucasian but there are many of Turkish descent. Many refugees came to this country from the former Yugoslavia.

Germany’s capital is Berlin. This is a wonderful city to visit when coming to the country. But there is a lot of space to travel and view the picturesque landscapes. The total area of Germany is 357,021 square kilometers.

It’s a German fact that German folk love to talk on the phone. There were over 54 million main telephone lines in use as of 2003, with over 64 million mobile phones. Because this has no doubt grown since that time, you can imagine the amount of chatting going on right now!

Another interesting German fact is that German people consume the most beer in the world second only to the Irish. It averages out to 119 liters per person each year.

Germany has almost 700 wildlife parks, bird parks, animal reserves and the like (called Zoo or Zoologischer Garten). This makes for some exciting vacation destinations. The Berlin zoo, for example, is the largest zoo in the world!

Germany also has the highest amount of half-timbered houses of any country throughout the world. There are over two million homes built in this fashion. They are quaint and fit right into the countryside views.

It’s a pleasure to travel through Germany with a knowledge of interesting German facts to keep you company. It makes it that much more fun to experience a tour of the country and take in the feel of Germany.


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