Bad Reichenhall — A Town Easy On The Eyes, Ears And Body

Those who have ever wanted to try a salt water spring bath should head over to the spa town of Bad Reichenhall in Upper Bavaria at the German Alps. This town is absolutely stunning, because it is surrounded on all sides by towering mountains, making it the perfect place to relax.

Because of the huge amount of salt, it was important in the past and has a long and interesting history. Since 450 B.C., there have been people using this salt to their advantage.

To learn more about this (and other aspects of the city) take a stroll through the Heimatmuseum. This museum is in the former Wheat Barn, which was built in the early 16th century.

If you want to dig more deeply into the history of salt, then go directly to the source — the Salt Museum. There is even a Saline Chapel to visit to commemorate the city fire in the 19th century.

Want interesting architecture to keep your brain from turning to mush while your body does nothing but relax? The town of Bad Reichenhall has just that. With a lot of important buildings from the 19th century, you could spend days going through the area. The Alte Saline and the Old City Hall are two to visit. The Old City Hall is interesting not only because of the paintings on the walls.

In the year 1999, the city of Bad Reichenhall won the honor of being the Alpine City of the year. Since then, they have grabbed the attention of many tourists with the great hiking and wandering opportunities. The city is making use of their best assets (the mountains and the scenery) and putting up more signs for hikers to navigate the trails.

Thought that this place was just easy on the eyes? Well, the city is definitely easy on the ears too. The Bad Reichenhaller Philharmonic has been around since at least 1858. Meaning, classical music enthusiasts can enjoy year round concerts.


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