Below are nine Berchtesgaden webcams showing you what’s going on in Berchtesgaden right in this moment. Most are placed on popular destinations.
Note: Click on one of the webcam images or titles to view its respective large version. Doing so will start the gallery with the ability to browse through all of the Berchtesgaden webcams shown below.
- Berchtesgaden Skyline
What a gorgeous panoramic view! The webcam at the Schönsicht hospital showing the Berchtesgaden skyline and Mt. Watzmann and Mt. Jenner!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Mt. Watzmann
Another unforgettable view, this webcam sits at a height of 1000 meter / 3281 feet (!) at the Gasthaus Graflhöhe Windbeutelbaron, overlooking the Alps!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Rostalm
This webcam shows the spectacular view from the Rostalm guesthouse & restaurant towards Mt. Obersalzberg, just 1.5km outside the Berchtesgaden city center.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Haus Bergfreude
Here we are at the Bergfreude guesthouse just 3km from the Berchtesgaden city center (Waltenberger Straße 67)!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden Skyline (2)
At a height of 1189 meters, the Kneifelspitze guesthouse provides a grand view over Berchtesgaden and the majestic Mt. Watzmann in the distance!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden Golf Club
Here’s the Berchtesgaden Golf Club and its 9-hole park at a height of 960 meters!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Watzmann (2)
A webcam at the Hochlenzer guesthouse & restaurant with spectacular view of the mighty Mt. Watzmann at a height of 900 meters!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Kehlsteinhaus / Eagles Nest
This amazing webcam, on a height of 1834 meters, shows the breathtaking view you get atop the Eagles Nest at the Kehlsteinhaus near Berchtesgaden.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Berchtesgaden, Oberkälberstein
Here we are at the Oberkälberstein restaurant atop the mountain of the same name, providing a remarkable view of Berchtesgaden and surrounding countryside.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of