Bestensee — Lakeside Marathons And Royal Gardens

My initial reaction to the Brandenburg town of Bestensee was that if felt like one of those “cousins” (fill in family member here) that you just sorta feel sorry for; always outshined by their older, smarter, more beautiful (fill in an adjective) sister, brother, or whomever.

Oh, but how still waters run deep, my friends.

You see, Bestensee lies surrounded by Heidesee, Mittenwalde, and Königs Wusterhausen, three towns that somehow managed to get most of the sightseeing. Yet, we all know the saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

So I say, use Bestensee as a base. This way you can see what the town has to offer; and then go off somewhere else for a while (even Berlin, if need be).

Sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?

Sightseeing in Bestensee would include a visit to its Dorfkirche (Village Church), a stone structure from the 14th century that has its own churchyard and War Memorial. There’s also the Königliche Forsthaus (that’s Royal Forest House in English), located at Hauptstraße 2.

There isn’t any need to run off to some other town here in the Dahme-Spreewald District during the Bestenseer Seenlauf, a Lake Run Marathon. No, you don’t have to actually run it if you don’t want — just cheer for those willing to give it a shot.

Rather do something else lakeside? It’s perfect here because there are so many lakes, including the Wolziger See, which is perfect for fishing and boating — and it has its own marina.

Other cultural events in Bestensee include two Summer Festivals (why not, considering the town’s made up of three villages), then there’s the guided autumn hikes, and all the Christmas events; including the Children’s Christmas, Advent Concerts, and Christmas Market.

At this point maybe you’re looking for a castle? The Schloss Schenkendorf might appear to look more like a villa than a traditional castle (it was built in 1896), and it was used by both the Nazis and the Red Army for their needs in the 20th century. Today it falls in a conservation area.

Of course, if you must, you can always head over to Schloss Königs Wusterhausen. Nah, no need… it appears that Bestensee has what you could ask for.


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