Bockenem is a bit different. Yes, I’m using that term very loosely and different might not even be the right word.
It’s a town that lies on the touristy Deutsche Fachwerkstraße or German Framework Route, which means that you’ll find many half timbered buildings just about everywhere. But, that’s not what makes it “different.”
No, it’s neither the Clock Tower Museum, nor is it the historical St. Pankriatius Chuch (which are always great for stunning artwork). And, neither is the countryside that makes for great motorcycling along tree lined roads.
Bockenem isn’t different because of all the fishing, or the slow strolls on the walking trails or cycling along in any of the nature protected areas. Different doesn’t qualify for the Nordic Walking trails (don’t worry if you can’t do it — there are a few fitness levels), or the tennis courts, and swimming in the town’s outdoor municipal pool.
The town’s Small Car Museum (the largest in the world) doesn’t make Bockenem different. Neither do all the concerts and other cultural activities that take place in town.
Can you even gander to guess what makes Bockenem different? OK, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. It’s the nudist sunbathing that you can do here…
Oh, don’t let that stop you from thinking that Bockenem isn’t a family friendly town, though. ;-)
If you like what you see (read in this case) there are a few Bockenem hotels right in the heart of everything. The Hotel Kneip might only have eleven rooms but it has its own skittle alley (think bowling). And, the Brewer Guild House has a real rustic style restaurant that serves delicious German cuisine.
Try to book a room for a Wednesday or Thursday so you have somewhere to drop off all the stuff you bought at Bockenem’s weekly market that opens at 2pm on Thursdays.
Bockenhem might be a tad bit “different” but, actually, that’s what makes our life remarkable. So remember, clothes are required everywhere except the nude beach! ;-)