There are only eight districts in the Hessian town of Burghaun, so it won’t take too long to get through it all. That is, if there aren’t any festivals or markets going on.
I’ll be honest, there is too much sightseeing to do in Burghaun. The town is dominated by its Catholic and Protestant Churches, both built in a Baroque style and located right next to each other. And very close to a medieval gatehouse from the year 1400.
Hmm, that makes it for easy going, doesn’t it?
You’ll have to travel over to the village of Langenschwarz to see its Lutheran Church (built 1879), Catholic Church (1677), its Altes Schloss (Old Castle), and its late 19th/early 20th century Jewish cemetery.
There’s another Jewish cemetery in Burghaun, BTW, used from around 1690 right up until the early 1940s.
Steinbach also has a church (it’s a 20th century one though), and the Mariengrotto is where you’re more than welcome to sit on the benches for quiet reflection.
I should pray for the strength to get through the 27km Kegelspiel-Radweg. I’m not a Spring Chicken anymore. ;-)
I am, however, a shoppaholic and a huge fan of a good party with lots of food. How awesome that Burghaun can accommodate. There are two Wine Festivals in September, a Rocktoberfest that’s also in September, followed by an Oktoberfest and Kartoffelfest that are both in October.
FYI, the Kartoffelfest is all about the potato. So, good eats, everyone!
What else? Burghaun as a Kinderfest (Childrens Festival), a Christmas Market in December, a Kirmes (church festival) in both October and November, a Backhaus (Bake House) Festival, Grillfest, and Flea Market all in May.
This is all in addition to the Brunnenmarkt that’s held on the second Saturday of every month (8:30am – 1pm) selling all sorts of flowers, wines, cheeses, honey, spices, and more.
You’re gonna have to wait for the Kunsthandwerkermarkt to buy handicrafts and gifts. It’s worth waiting for, though, as the artists put their heart and soul into their work. But, with all these other festivals going on, how they manage to get anything done is beyond me. ;-)