Dietmannsried — Bavarian Clothing Is Optional

How do I say this delicately? If you’re looking to shed some inhibitions, maybe you might want to consider the Swabian town of Dietmannsried.

Yeah, that was delicate enough. But, just what the heck am I talking about? How about a nudist camp?

That’s right, and it’s all under the watchful eye of the mighty Alps in the Oberallgäu where you’ll find a right proper nudist campground (at least it has its own private swimming pond).

Just so you’re aware (no surprises!), clothing is mandatory when you’re sightseeing around the rest of the town or partying at one of its many festivals. (What happens afterwards is no one’s business, right? ;-)

It’s probably a sure bet that clothes would be required when you’re here in the winter months. Nude X-country skiing or downhill skiing doesn’t sound like a brilliant idea.

Neither does milking a cow or looking for fresh farm eggs (farm stays are also popular here) nude seem like a good idea.

But, if you find a quiet, secluded spot on one of the many hiking trails to shed your clothes in Dietmannsried, that ain’t anyone’s business. ;-)

The town’s May Pole Festival is a family affair (again, wear clothing) every year on May 1st; as is the Summer Party (July), the Mountain Fair (August), Wine Festival (October), Advent Market (November), and the Nicolas Celebration and Christmas Market (both in December).

Proper attire is also suggested for biking along the Bavarian Cycle Network.

Did I really need to tell you that? No, of course not! ;-)

A little bit more conservative clothing would be suggested for visiting the nearby Kempten Monastery or a few of the tiny chapels in the area. Maybe not so much for swimming in the town’s swimming pools.

If you’ll excuse me, I got to go find where I left my clothes — I kind of want to finish sightseeing around Dietmannsried. ;-)


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