Dippoldiswalde — Pack The Finery & Enjoy The Steam Engine Train

Come to Dippoldiswalde the old fashioned way, on a steam engine train. If you can’t get here like that, it’s all right… any modern mode of transportation will also do. But, I’m a big kid so I vote for the train — it’s a little appreciated way to travel in today’s world.

You might think that you’ve arrived in Dresden, though. The city itself is only about 18km away, and the Dippoldiswalde Castle looks just like Dresden Residence Castle! There might not be too much originality there — but, the town is unique enough.

Also, there’s no way you’ll confuse Castle Reichstädt with any place else, either. OK, maybe you do… its salmon colors remind me on the equally elegant Schwetzingen Castle. Either way, it was once a 13th century moated manor house, but now it’s a magnificent Renaissance style schloss with more rooms than anyone could ever possibly use in a lifetime.

Funny thing about Reichstädt, it was owned by the same family from the 17th century until 1945. Now, that’s a long time!

Other historical places to visit in Dippoldiswalde is the Old Town Market Square (see webcam!) with a late-Gothic period Town Hall; there’s also St. Marien & Lawrence Church built in town in the very early 1200’s. So was the Romanesque basilica of St. Nicholas.

By the way, the town’s churches not only still hold services after more than 800 years, but the acoustics for the concerts are spectacular.

Other music programs are held at the Town Hall (Rathaus) and the Culture Center has a Master Artist series. Just as there are a couple of museums in town that will teach you all about how everyday folk lived in this part of Saxony. Besides the Regional History Museum, there is an old Tannery Museum, too.

Shop all you want at the obligatory Christmas Market that takes place for two weeks in December. Just don’t confuse it with the one held at the Dippoldiswalder Castle.

In warmer weather, there’s a Town Festival with all sorts of festivities going on (1st weekend in June) and there’s the Autumn Ball where every gets dressed up.

See? You better pack your finery!


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