Espenau — One Compact Package Near Kassel

Sometimes I feel bad for little towns when they’re so close to much larger cities. I mean, really, how can you usually compete when a bigger city has culture, history, and entertainment?

Well, my friends, here’s the thing — you don’t have to compete at all. I think the Hessian town of Espenau is fine standing on its own against neighboring Kassel.

Besides, who’s gonna complain when you find yourself located between the Habichtwald and the Reinhardswald? Seriously, you’ve got two great forests between you; so get your most comfy pair of shoes and walk around. Trust me, you’ll love it. Why else would people want to be buried in such beautiful surroundings at the Waldruhe Schäferberg?

In fact, why not just go exploring around the Märchenlandweg (Fairytale Land Trail) while you’re at it. This hiking route will take you all around the region, even giving you some history on mining in the region.

Oh no, not history! Stop it, Marcus, you’ll killing us with that stuff.

I know that’s what you’re thinking, so I won’t say anymore than to come to Espenau’s Heimatmuseum (Local History Museum) that has exhibits on everything from 18th century farming to how an old traditional bedroom once looked.

Uh, wait, there’s more history. Come see the outstanding fortified church from the 12th century in the village of Hohenkirchen, while you’re at it.

All right, no more history for the rest of the page. It’s time to talk about the Heimatfest. There’s plenty of time to discuss it since it only takes place every 5-years. The one in 2015 was such a hit, that everyone was buzzing about the next one.

At least the Christmas Market is an annual event, so hopefully you’ll get to experience it if you’re here during the Advent Season. And you’ll be lucky if you’re here for one of the theater performances, even if it is an amateur one. Hey, we’re Germans — we’re perfectionists even when we’re not professionals. ;-)

Do you see why Espenau has no need to “compete” with Kassel? It’s got everything its big-city sister has, all in one compact package.


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