Estenfeld — Windy Parties And A Pieta

Germans are often stereotyped as often too formal, stuffy (stiff, cold, etc.), and always punctual.

OK, that’s not too far off the mark — we Germans do believe in punctuality, but here in the town of Estenfeld it’s anything but stuffy; these people are a fun loving crowd. So really, how stuffy could they possibly be?

Seriously, with all the festivals and events going on around here throughout the year it’s easy enough to say that. As with many Bavarian towns, the Starkbierfest (Strong Beer Festival) is always a treat in March, while the Maypole celebrations are a fantastic way of welcoming the Spring after winter releases its icy grasp.

And get ready to put on your dancin’ shoes, ’cause June and July bring on the Pfarrfest (Parish Festival) in the village of Kürnach, two Summer Festivals, followed by yet another Pfarrfest in Estenfeld proper.

August isn’t going to go down without fight over what month has the best event — so come the end of August when it’s all about the Zwiebelkirchweih and yet another Summer Festival. October’s contribution to the festivities is the Herbstmarkt (Autumn Festival), while November has the Nikolausmarkt. And let’s not forget about the Advent concerts held throughout the holiday season.

Phew, with all this you’d think there was no time to see some of Estenfeld’s awesome architecture — but here’s where good German planning is essential. You’ll have to make sure you leave time to see the very lovely Pfarrkirche St. Mauritius, built way back in 1614. The church is known for its Pieta, so there’s no missing that.

Plus, you’ll want to see the Church of St. George, a grand example of early 18th century construction. Not too shabby for a town that started as a simple Stone Age settlement, is it?

Between you and me (in my not so humble opinion), the best way to see what it must’ve been like “in the old days,” the quiet walking paths through the countryside can kinda do that. Of course, there are themed trails if you’re into that sort of thing.

I am. But before I go there, I’ll take a visit to places like the Weiße Mühle, the White Mill dating back to around the 12th century — although this old mill these days is only about 500 years old. It has, however, seen such notable times in history as the Thirty Years’ War and the likes of Napoleon himself.

Do you think the short French guy would’ve appreciated one of Estenfeld’s parties?

Ahh, who cares, I like them — and so will you.


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