Geisenfeld has such an assortment of entertainment crammed into its social calendar so much so that you can rest assured there’s never a dull moment in this town. The Town Square Ensemble, the lm River, the Nature Reserve, as well as a heady cocktail of arts and festivals make this town well worth visiting.
Geisenfeld’s Benedictine Monastery is probably the first thing you might want to visit as it’s quite a landmark. It dates back to the 11th century which possibly adds to its allure considerably. You should consider an organized tour so you don’t miss out.
The Parish Church with its twin towers is another attraction and famous for its paintings. The Church of St. Ulrich is part of the Town Square making for a very pretty picture indeed. And so is the splendid Town Hall.
The Hallertau Hops and Folk Museum is located in the vicinity of the Town Hall and so if you’ve any interest in hops you know where to go.
The Folk Museum is where you get info on the local religious art as well as agriculture history. You see, Geisenfeld used to be an erstwhile farming community and so they have quite a lot to say on the topic. ;-)
Geisenfeld has a number of tours to show off their exciting contents. In addition to the monastery tour I’d mentioned earlier, you could check out the Stork Tour, the Art Walk, the Hop Guide, and the Historical City Tour. If pressed for time I suggest you take at least the latter, for it covers important landmarks such as the Church of St. Mary and the St.Vitus Church, and the Paleontology Museum in addition to the famous Monastery.
Geisenfeld has great cycling and hiking trails if that’s how you intend to do your exploring. Perhaps you should consider a slow, long walk that lets you take in as much as you can of its scenic streets and buildings.
Bird watching is another popular pastime here and for this you need to go to the Noettinger nature reserve.
Geisenfeld folks love their festivals. If it’s not a wine festival, they could be choosing a Hop Princess. Their Schäfflertanz ceremony takes place every seventh year and is a popular tradition.
Then there are the markets — farmer’s market, flea market, Christmas market or weekly market. Take part in street festivals commemorating historic events such as Market Rights or even Bürgerfeste. You just have to be at the right place at the right time.