Grünwald — A Non-Hollywood Home Of The Rich And Famous

Welcome to Grünwald, home of the rich and famous! Wait, isn’t that Hollywood in California? No, this is the German version.

The town of Grünwald is home to one of the largest movie studios in Germany, the Bavaria Filmstadt. So, that said — the Upper Bavarian town is home to many influential (famous, wealthy, whatever) people.

Don’t think for one second that this is all Grünwald has to offer. No, this town’s been around a heck of a lot longer than modern man has been making movies. How much longer? Well, there have been artifacts found from the days of the Celtics, the Romans, and the Bronze Age.

The Middle Ages made an impression on the place, too. Many come to see Burg Grünwald and residents will get rightly upset if you refer to it as a Schloss. This is a bonafide castle! It was used as an ammunition depot and prison at one time, but is now a branch of the Archaeological National Museum in Munich.

Not only is Grünwald famous for its castle that’s not a Schloss and its huge film studio, but for the Castle of Wittelsbach, too. This castle was built in the year 1000 and was only around for about 200 years before it was leveled. The dukes, barons, or whatever they’re called ;-) never rebuilt it and finally a church was erected on the spot.

Other sites to see in Grünwald should include a trip to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, as well as the Chapel of Holy Blood.

And, since this is Upper Bavaria it’s best enjoyed outside (my opinion would be out in a beer garden) but, there’s always great cycling trails and walking paths that lead you off through the countryside.

For the ambitious crowd, try the Trim Path that’s designed to get your muscles moving. Make yourself a deal, if you can complete the entire Trim Path, you’ve certainly earned that brew over at a beer garden.


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