Hemmoor — Balls Of Sand And A Lake Of Chalk

Sometimes I never know what to talk about first when finding a town like Hemmoor. I’ve flipped coins, picked ideas out of a hat, I think I’ve even started to babble about stuff until it made sense — kind of like now. ;-)

Regardless of what you notice first about Hemmoor in northern Lower Saxony (only a hop, skip, and jump from Cuxhaven), it might be helpful to know what’s here to see and to do.

When outdoor recreation is what you want, Hemmoor’s got it. Not only is the town located on the scenic Deutsche Fährstraße or German Ferries Route (250km along canals, bridges, and ferries), it’s also on the little known Niedersächsische Milchstraße (Lower Saxon Milk Route). On this 27-57km (depending on how far you want to go) bicycle route one follows along to the dairy farms in the region.

Other outdoor fun includes diving & swimming in the Kreidesee (Chalk Lake) created from where chalk was mined years ago; and there are two campgrounds in Hemmoor.

Hemmoor is also famous for the fossils that were found here. Some of them, more than 65 million years old, are housed in the Haus für Hemmoorer Geschichte (open April to September on Sundays from 2pm-5pm).

The town’s also known for its Hemmoor Balls. You’ll find them all over the ground, created from sand more than 17 million years ago. Just watch you step! ;-)

To learn more about the town’s cultural history, the obligatory Heimatmuseum (Local History Museum) would be the best bet. And there’s even a Cement Museum (open weekends from May 1-October 3) detailing how important this industry was to the town’s economy.

There’s natural history, man-made history, and even sites regarding industry. Could Hemmoor have anything else up their sleeve? Yes, it’s also a very cultured town — with always some sort of musical gathering taking place. It’s hard to imagine a more charming venue than Hemmoor itself for rock & classical concerts, Folk sing-a-longs, and literary events.

Hey, maybe all that racket from the rock concerts might shake loose some more fossils. What? It could happen, couldn’t it? ;-)


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