Coming to the Hessian town of Immenhausen will literally seem like a fairytale. That’s the whole point, because the place falls along the Deutsches Märchenstraße, or German Fairy Tale Road.
You can meet Hans, one of the Brothers Grimm characters. He’ll tell you all about the stories made famous by these two brothers. He’ll also fill you in about the town’s history, and about the annual Heidelbeerfest (Blueberry Festival) at the end of July.
While officially not in Immenhausen but in Hofgeismar, you’re not all that far from Sababurg Castle, or Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. Every Sunday from April to October (at 4:30pm) there’s a reenactment of Sleeping Beauty — and her beloved Prince.
These events aren’t the only ones to take place. There is a whole bunch: the Spring Festival (May), The Soapbox Race (June), the Summer Festival and Wine Festival both take place in July, and then there is the Oktoberfest in September.
On the last Saturday in October a huge writing event takes place, which is open to authors between the ages of 16 and 30. Drats, leaves me out. ;-)
The Glass Museum, which exhibits the history and tradition of glass making, holds a glass arts event every three years.
Even if you can’t make it for that, you’ll be more than able to purchase all the glass you want at Immenhausen’s Christmas Market in early December.
Shopping and fairytales are great, but so are Immenhausen’s hiking trails. Grab a map & give yourself a historic village tour — just in case you don’t feel like bothering Hans.
A historic tour will take you past Immenhausen’s fairytale looking Baroque Rathaus (17th century), along the Stadtmauer, and past the Evangelical Church (there are 15th century paintings on the inside).
Simply lovely.
So are the many hiking trails, like the Eco Path (don’t balk, it’s only 4.5km long); while some go into the Reinhardswald — the Reinhard Forest. And campers are welcome to stay overnight at the RV park.
Today I don’t want to camp — I want to live the Immenhausen fairytale. Maybe someone will let me stay in their castle, if I ask nicely enough? ;-)