Below are four Kaufbeuren webcams showing you what’s going on in Kaufbeuren right in this moment. Most are placed on popular destinations.
Note: Click on one of the webcam images or titles to view its respective large version. Doing so will start the gallery with the ability to browse through all of the Kaufbeuren webcams shown below.
Kaufbeuren City Center, Kaiser-Max-Str.
View over Kaiser-Max-Str. in the city center of Kaufbeuren.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
This webcam is in the Neugablonz district of Kaufbeuren.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
Kaufbeuren Pferdehof (Horse Farm) 1
A huge horse farm in Kaufbeuren (Schönblick 30), facing towards the majestic Alps!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
Kaufbeuren Pferdehof (Horse Farm) 2
The same Kaufbeuren Pferdehof, from the inside.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of