Have you ever heard of a Renaissance Fair? If you haven’t, it’s where everyday normal people dress and pretend they’re lords, ladies, and other folk back in the days of the Renaissance in a fun setting. It’s a cute way to look at life of a period long gone.
Kirchheim bei München in Upper Bavaria kind of has the same thing going on; just bring it back a few centuries before the Renaissance.
Welcome to the Bajuwarenhof (that’s a mouthful). Since Kirchheim was originally a 6th century (A.D.) village, it’s fitting that’s what you’ll find here. This is a modern day look at the early Middle Ages; with real life exhibits on everything from what people ate to what kind of housing they lived in.
The Bajuwarenhof is a fun outside museum that’s great for the entire family. It’s open every Sunday 11am-5pm, May through September.
Visitors to this town will find a few other sites to visit, including the St. Andreas Church. The church you see today was built back in 1671, on the spot of the 9th century original (the medieval has a recurring theme here). Many Andreas visitors also stop by to see the nearby chapel of St. Ulrich, too.
Another reason to come to Kirchheim is its festivals. The Dorffest or Village Celebration is in June, the Fire-brigade hosts a huge Carnival Ball (February), and on Easter Sunday is one of the largest celebrations in the whole area (called Ostertanz).
And no town would be complete without a Christmas Market. Just expect the area to be a bit colder than in the summer months.
Summer’s the best time to be at the Heimstettener See; a popular recreational area for locals and the city folk of Munich looking to get away from the heat of the city.
Hey, the city’s only a few minutes away and who could blame them? Kirchheim bei München’s pretty awesome for a pre-Renassiance town.