Klipphausen — All Is Right In The World Of Saxony

The hardest part about writing this webpage on the town of Klipphausen is trying to figure out what to tell you about first. I guess the beginning would be just as good of a place as any, so here we go…

Klipphausen is a fairly large town of 43 villages and hamlets (covering over 111 square kilometers), bordering Dresden, along the Elbe River. But, that’s not the reason I got all excited about Klipphausen.

No way, this place has a whole bunch of castles to get all tingly about. ;-)

The first of them is the Scharfenberg Castle, built in the very early years of the 13th century. Today this massive medieval monster’s courtyard is used as an artists studio, amongst other things.

There’s another castle in the village of Batzdorf — while this too was of medieval construction, it had to be rebuilt again in the 16th and 17th centuries, for which it maintains to this very day. Even though the castle has some private residences, it is the venue for the annual Batzdorf Baroque Festival.

My favorite is Schloss Gauernitz; and I don’t know why. It’s not like it looks like it did when it was built in the 11th century. Heck, it doesn’t even look like it did when it was rebuilt in the 16th century. I don’t know what it is about this neo-Renaissance castle with its exposed brick and crumbly walls. Maybe it’s because it looks haunted? ;-)

With so many castles in one spot it might be hard to find time to see the rest of Klipphausen.

Take note, my friends, go to the village of Tannenberg and all will be right with the world. This is a tiny village within Klipphausen, just over 240 people living here — but it’s got an old mansion, a wonderful Baroque church (built over an earlier 16th century one), and a stunningly beautiful rhododendron garden.

One stop over there, and you’ll see that I was right about everything being right in the world.


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