Here’s something you might never hear a German say, please hold the sauerkraut. You most certainly won’t hear things like that up here in the town of Marne. Uh, that might come down to downright shocking in a place that’s the backbone of the German Cabbage Route.
Eating your way through town is one way to see it. A good way, I might add, but not the only way. If you feel guilty about any of the extra calories from the local Kohlbrot (cabbage bread), just rent a bike and pedal around.
I don’t know how well that’ll work though, this is as flat of a landscape as it can get here by the North Sea. Well, since you’re also right by the Wadden Sea, try the whole mudflat hiking thing.
With all the exercise you’ll be hungry again, so off to the many farms that sell all sorts of locally grown goodies — in addition to all the cabbage.
And there are more chances to eat during Marne’s Stadtfest (City Festival), that coincides with the September Cabbage Days. Don’t scoff, this veg is worth all the celebration it gets.
There are other things to do here besides eat. Make that stuff to do in addition to eating. A visit to see its quaint Dorfkirche (Village Church) and windmill, a stop to check out the local brewery, and walks through the salt marshes would be good.
You better be sure to leave time for a stop at the Weekly Market (held over by the church); or, try to be here for all sorts of festivities, like the Rosenmontagsumzug (a long word for the Rose Monday Parade) and regatta held on the Wadden Sea.
I forgot to tell you, this is Low German country, and Marne holds special events entirely in the language. What you won’t hear, by the way, in either High or Low German, in Marne is, please hold the sauerkraut. ;-)