Meinhard — Marvels Along The Werra

Engineering marvels, delightful countryside, history — do the wonders of the Hessian town of Meinhard ever cease? Nope. And that’s not a bad thing, it just means you gotta give yourself plenty of time to spend around here.

Again, that’s not a bad thing. Ohh, unless you’re pressed for time… then I guess it would. Hmm, better get to all the highlights then, I guess. ;-)

One of Meinhard’s highlights would be the Heimatmuseum (Local History Museum), open from April to October on the first Saturday of the month. They have exhibits on everything from the region’s prehistoric days, right up to the Middle Ages. And guess what? The museum is free, but please leave them a donation.

Another of Meinhard’s delights would be the Friedatunnel — it’s where engineering marvel comes into it. This old railway line used to run from Berlin to Metz, France, and if you’re looking at the west side of the tunnel — it’s a Gothic design.

The tunnel isn’t too far from Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, that’s not as old as you might think. It is, however, a boutique hotel these days.

For a draughty old castle, then it’s probably the Wasserburg Schebda you want, built in the 13th century. Schloss Grebendorf is kind of old, too, but this one is a half-timbered gem from the early years of the 1600s.

What else did I say Meinhard had to offer? Oh yes, delightful countryside. The list is l-o-n-g of stuff to do, everything from boat rides to the beach, canoeing to swimming, to camping. You’ll just want to do some of these thins around the Meinhardsee or Werratalsee.

Which brings me to the Werra Valley Cycle Route. So add bike riding to your list of things to accomplish. And with the price of baggage these days to travel, no worries about bringing your bike from home since rentals are available.

As if you’re not busy enough, add in some of Meinhard’s cultural events into the mix. Every June is the Strandfest (Beach Festival), while September is the month for both the Kartoffelfest (Potato Festival) in Jestädt (one of Meinhard’s seven villages) and the Heimatfest in Grebendorf. Oh yes, September also has the multi-day Kirmes in Frieda.

Ok, maybe there’s too much to do in Meinhard all at one time, so isn’t that reason enough to come back again and again?


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