Holy Mary Sunshine, is the town of Oberlungwitz the dream town of every young (and not so young) boy. No, it isn’t a town of snakes and snails, and puppy dog tails, Silly. I can only sum it up in one word: Sachsenring.
Ha, means nothing like that — especially if you don’t know what it is. How about a huge racetrack that’s all about the fastest and most maneuverable cars and motorcycles?
Yeah, Guys, I got your attention now, don’t I? And I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or a good thing that many of the events in Oberlungwitz are all racing events. Which seem to go on every weekend from February to November, by the way; including the Masters Weekend in June.
But, let’s just suppose that you’re not a racing fan. Gasp! Hold on, I gotta pick myself back up off the floor for even suggesting such a thing. But, let’s just say for the sake of conversation that you’re not. What’s to do and see here?
Well, you could go visit the St. Martin Church, built by Benedictine monks back in the 12th century. I know, it doesn’t look all that old. That’s because it saw an overhaul in the 15th and 19th centuries, the latter of which is when its tower was expanded by 7 meters (up to today’s 45m).
The 19th century was good to Oberlungwitz, when the town got its Königlich Sächsischer Postmeilenstein (Royal Saxon Post Milemarker). And before I get off on another tangent, the Postgut (in one of those great half-timbered buildings) was a Post Office on a route that ran between Dresden and Zwickau.
Speaking of old buildings, that reminds me of the many Drei- und Vierseithöfe that are found around this part of Saxony. What’s that, you ask? Let me see if I can explain it right… it’s a 3 sided farm with all its buildings around a center courtyard of sorts.
If I’m wrong in explaining it — sorry.
How about we just stick to shopping at the Bauernmarkt in October, or the Christmas Market in December? OK? Oops, I forgot about the Strumpf- und Vereinsfest in May, which is an annual Sock Festival, as Oberlungwitz was famous for its hosiery.
A sock festival? Now that sounds interesting — enough that I might give up going to the racetrack for. ;-)