Below are 19 (!) Oberstdorf webcams showing you what’s going on in Oberstdorf right in this moment. Most are placed on popular destinations.
Note: Click on one of the webcam images or titles to view its respective large version. Doing so will start the gallery with the ability to browse through all of the Oberstdorf webcams shown below.
- Oberstdorf City Center, Marktplatz
This webcam is at the Marktplatz in the city center of Oberstdorf, taken from the 4-start Mohren Hotel. One can see the Catholic Church and the Old Town Hall (right).- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf Kurpark
At the Oberstdorf Kurpark, facing northeast, taken from the Oberstdorf Haus Tourist Information.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf Skyline and Fellhorn Mountain
And this is the view from the backside of the Oberstdorf Haus Tourist Information, facing southwest and towards the Fellhorn Mountain!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf Skyline and Alpgaustraße
Here we see another portion of the Oberstdorf Skyline. This webcam is at the Alpgaustraße, the entrance to the town of Oberstdorf, facing south.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Langlaufstadion Ried
This webcam shows the world famous Langlaufstadion Ried, the Cross-Country Skiing Stadium Ried, five minutes south of Oberstdorf (Burgstallsteig, my GPS friends ;-).- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Fideliushaus
This webcam is at the Fideliushaus guesthouse and holiday homes in southern Oberstdorf (Lorettostraße 26).- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf Mountain Panorama (1)
A stunning mountain panorama (incl. Himmelsschrofen Mountain) in the south of Oberstdorf, taken from the 4-star Schüle’s Health & Spa Resort in the Ludwigstraße.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf Mountain Panorama (2)
Another great mountain panorama (Himmelsschrofen Mountain again) in the south of Oberstdorf, taken from the 4-star Schreibenhaus Holiday Homes in Scheibenstraße.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Nebelhorn Panorama
Here we have the mighty Nebelhorn Mountain front & center, taken from the 4-star Nebelhornblick Hotel & Spa, in a street called Kornau 49!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Stillachhaus
This webcam is on top of the Stillachhaus, a Private Clinik in Oberstdorf, providing a great view towards the town!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Hochleite Lodge (1)
This webcam is at the cool Hochleite Lodge, a very unique cottage and restaurant in 1,200 meter height, open all year (except Tuesday), at the Hochleite “street.” Great!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Hochleite Lodge (2)
And this is in the backyard of that Hochleite Lodge, with a terrific view to mountains such as Trettachspitze (2,595 m), Hochfrottspitze (2,648 m), Hohes Licht (2,651 m), etc.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Nebelhorn Summit
This webcam is at the summit of the mighty Nebelhorn Mountain facing southwest. What a spectacular view!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Nebelhorn, Seealpe
Still at the 2,224 meter high Nebelhorn, here at the Seealpe Mountain Station.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Nebelhorn, Almdudler Funpark
What about some fun? This webcam shows the Almdudler Funpark at the Nebelhorn Mountain, in a height of 1,600 meter!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Hahnenkopf
Here we see the 1,736 meter high Hahnenkopf Mountain, taken from the cable car station in 2,030 meter height.- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Fellhorn-Mittelstation
This webcam is at the Fellhorn-Mittelstation, i.e., in the middle of the Fellhorn Mountain, in 1,780 meter height!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Fellhorn Summit
And here we are at the Fellhorn Summit, which is in a height of 1,967 meter! What a fresh air there must be!- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of
- Oberstdorf, Söllereckbahn
Lastly, this webcam shows us the Söllereckbahn, the cable car station in the Kornau district southwest of the Oberstdorf City Center (Kornau-Wanne 8).- ← Refresh
- Courtesy of