Ostprignitz-Ruppin District Is Overrun With Great Architecture

The Ostprignitz-Ruppin district, situated at the north-western corner of Brandenburg, offers a green and densely forested area to explore. Here too you will find the so-called Kyritzer Seenkette, a chain of lakes that are well worth hiking around.

Ostprignitz-Ruppin District Map

Map of the Ostprignitz-Ruppin District

Towns & Villages in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin District

  • Breddin
  • Dabergotz
  • Dreetz (Neustadt)
  • Fehrbellin
  • Heiligengrabe
  • Herzberg (Mark)
  • Kyritz
  • Lindow (Mark)
  • Märkisch Linden
  • Neuruppin
  • Neustadt (Dosse)
  • Rheinsberg
  • Rüthnick
  • Sieversdorf (Hohen.)
  • Storbeck-Frankend.
  • Stüdenitz (Schön.)

The most noticeable feature of this district however is the surprising number of historical buildings offering both enticing stories and photogenic architecture.

For example, Neuruppin offers not only a wide variety of ancient churches, but most impressively of all the stunning Temple Garden once owned by Crown Prince Friedrich. As might be expected from its former owner, its decorative portals, villas and temple make this one of the most attractive vegetable gardens ever designed.

Elsewhere in Wittstock one can find over 1,500 meters (or 4,921 feet) of city wall still standing that at one point would have reached 11 meters (36 ft) in height. It is well preserved and surrounds a number of notable half timbered buildings.

The must-see destination in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district though is the castle at Rheinsberg. Crown Prince Friedrich, its former owner, described his time here as the “happiest of his life.” And today, this amazing building with its towers and turrets serves as a literature museum.


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