Planegg Became Munich’s Relaxation And Hoopla Site

You might be asking yourself, Planegg? What could one possibly want to see there? I’ll tell you this much; by not going, you’re missing out on a completely cool community. Did you not get my memo that states that no matter where you go in Bavaria is totally awesome?

OK, maybe I didn’t phase it exactly in those exact words; but, you kinda get the idea.

Most visitors stop to see 17th century Schloss Planegg (located at Pasinger Str. 5), which is probably the most visited place in town. I’m sorry, that’s not entirely true. The castle is really older than that — but the original medieval structure is long gone. But, its Chapel of St. Magdalena is a Baroque beauty and its English Garden simply divine; so the changes made were good ones. :-)

Between me and you, there are a few other beautifully maintained mansions in the area — but none are as grand as the old castle. And I’m sure the old brewery was first on the list of sites to see before it became the town’s library. You will get to pretty much see them at the same time since they’re located right down the road from each other.

Also on Pasinger Straße near the River Würm is a monument that was erected here in 1989 in memory of those on a Death March in April 1945. (A copy of this monument sits at Yad Vashem — a Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, Israel.)

My vote for a must-see place in Planegg is the old Pilgrimage Church and Monastery Maria Eich. No, it’s the late medieval church of St. Elisabeth and her tower. Ah, I can’t decide. Better to see them both — just in case you’re afraid you’ll miss something.

Another good idea would be to sit at a local beer garden and plan the best course of sightseeing action. I’m thinking it’s a win-win situation all around. The beer gardens fill up fast during the Dorffest (end of July) so you better get here early or ask me to save a seat for you.


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