The Baltic Sea town (and island) of Poel, or Insel Poel if one wants to be uber correct (the Island of Poel in English), is a lovely place to visit any time of year.
Seriously, if you come later in the year you’ll be treated to Poel’s Easter Market (March/April depending on the calendar), its Hanseatische Fisch & Markttage in April, or its Kohlmarkt (Cabbage Market) in October, and the Advent Market in December.
That being said, throughout the rest of the year Insel Poel has even more cultural events for both residents and visitors alike. Come the month of May, it’s the Rapsblütenfest (Rape Blossom Festival), while June hosts the Kunstmarkt (Arts Market).
Sounds like fun, right? I think so, but I also think taking a guided nature hike sounds like good fun. It’s a delightful way of learning about the local flora and fauna found in the nature reserve area. Insel Poel offers a chance to see some wonderful migratory birds and other animals.
While it’s a good thing to have your camera ready while in the nature reserve, it’s best to leave your camera alone if you’re going to visit Insel Poel’s nude beach. Yes, they have one.
Not all of Poel’s beaches are of the naturist variety — traditional bathing suit wearing ones most certainly exist. What’s even better is you’ll find those wonderful strandkorbs on its beaches. Don’t you just love those?
Because Poel is a seafaring town, there’s lots more to do than just soak up the sunshine. There’s everything from fishing to boating, to horse and biking riding.
Lovers of architecture won’t be disappointed either, because throughout Poel’s districts you’ll find gorgeous churches — like the Dorfkirche in Kirchdorf. You can’t miss its 47-meter high tower, and its origins date back to the very early 13th century.
Also in Kirchdorf are the remains of the Schlosswall, and a model of its original design is found in the Heimatmuseum (Local History Museum). Let’s not forget about the town’s two lighthouses either — one can be found in the village of Timmendorf, the other in Gollwitz.
With all these delightful things to see and do in and on Poel, I’m sure you can see why it’s well worth it to see it for yourself. ;-)