Rehburg-Loccum — Dinosaurs, Old Monestary, Spa Museum

Long (and I mean LONG) before tourists came to Rehburg-Loccum, the dinosaurs liked to call it home.

Oh, what makes me so smart? How do I know the dinosaurs roamed the land around here? Fine, I’ll tell you — it’s the footprints…

Over at the dinosaur park are footprints made by these extinct behemoth giants over 130 million years ago. The 150 life sized models, however, might spook the kids. On second thought, kids LOVE dinosaurs and they’ll be loving it at the park.

Adults might prefer the spa services, though. One of Rehburg-Loccum’s villages (there are five) is Bad Rehburg (Bad = spa!) and the village was like the official spa town of the Hanover royalty.

Thank the heavens you won’t need a title before your name to enjoy the joint or the Hydrotherapy Museum.

And, while the dinosaurs might be extinct; the Monastery Loccum is still going strong. It was built back over 700 years ago, the Monastery Loccum still has an active community. The Church of Sts. Mary & George is a must-see part of the monastery experience, a beauty built around 1230.

For something a wee bit more simple, go see the 19th century Friederike Chapel. But, remember — I said simple, I didn’t say it wasn’t pretty.

Oh, thinking about pretty, I’m reminded of the Steinhuder Meer that borders the edge of town. Only the quiet walking paths and bicycle trails through the forest and fields might rival its natural beauty.

It’s naturally pretty over at the ruins of Luccaburg, a castle built and used from around the 9th to 12th centuries. But, there is a grave monument to a Prior of the Monastery Loccum, dating back only to around 1818.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to brush up on a historical glossary before coming out to these parts. ;-)

When the modern instead of the historical is your thing, Rehburg-Loccum’s got you covered. Come to the local Town Hall for many social and cultural events. Or, get in on a tennis match, take in a game on the links with 18-holes, and swim in the town’s two municipal swimming pools.

If you want to look me up, I’ll be waiting for you — third dinosaur from the left. ;-)


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