Other than right here at MyGermanCity.com you won’t find more information about the Brandenburgian town of Schorfheide and its nine divisions than right over at its Tourist Information Center (located at Werbellinkanal 13B).
Go ahead and ask, I’m here — now what? Where to start depends on what you want to see and whether or not you’ve got the kids with you.
When the little ones are in tow, take them to the Tierpark (Animal Park) Schorfheide, which is the second largest in the entire country. Oh heck, even the grown ups will fall in love with the sheep, moose, and wolves that live here.
Keeping with the outdoor theme, there’s always camping or a boat outing that can be taken since much of Brandenburg has lakes and other bodies of water (makes for fresh seafood eating, too).
You won’t want to miss the Weißer See (or, White Lake) that was created from the last Ice Age. It’s quite a popular recreational area for local residents and many from all over Brandenburg. OK, all the other lakes are also not to be missed, such as the Kupanzsee, Wutzsee, Werbellinsee, Übersee, Glasowsee, … want more?
Other outdoor activities (and food) in Schorfheide include the Autumn Market in mid-September and leave it to the firemen (known around here as the Fire Brigade) to hold an annual bonfire every October. Sounds like a nice way to stay warm, roast some marshmallows, and meet an eligible fireman. :-)
When you’re ready for this historical part of Schorfheide, I got you covered. In the village of Klandorf, you’ll love the Neo-Gothic style village church and the old farmhouse.
Groß Schönebeck is the history part of Schorfheide that no one misses. Once a 17th century hunting lodge (some digs, huh?) it is now Schorheide’s only museum.
Yeah, sounds nice, right? Although, I think all the single ladies might be thinking that any of those bachelor firemen are the best reason to come to Schorfheide…