Do you know what’s the easy part of writing all these pages on Thanks for asking, I’ll tell you. The easiest part is spouting off facts, figures, and even addresses — the true art is trying to entice you to places like Steyerberg.
Now not every town and village in Germany is going to be the right fit. Some are great for outdoorsy folks, while others are a perfect match for history buffs, or those who appreciate fine art from centuries ago.
Then, once in a great while, you find a place that manages to harmoniously blend it all.
For those of you into the whole outdoor recreational stuff, I’d tell you to hike on over to the Januarsberg. As it’s the highest point in the area, you’ll get the best vantage point to survey the whole Steyerberg scene. While you’re out here, why not tackle the Hexentreppe, or Witch’s Steps — an area known for legend and lore from long ago.
Don’t worry, no one will arrest you for witchcraft these days. ;-)
Your trek around the great outdoors of Steyerberg isn’t finished yet. The gnarled trees, along with lots of other flora & fauna, await you at the Eichenkratt Nature Reserve. I’d say to give one of the two marked bike trails a go (only 15.5 km and 27.5 km, respectively), too.
Ok, now it’s time to do the historical stuff. In the village of Voigtei is an old mill that’s more than 700 years old — too bad it’s only open on special occasions, like Heritage Day.
I guess that means it’s time to visit the War Cemetery in Deblinghausen (another of Steyerberg’s eight villages), along with coming to see the Amtshof, a gorgeous half-timbered structure that’s built right over some castle ruins.
However old these places are, neither of them are as old as the Saxon burial grounds found throughout the region. Many artifacts found through these excavated 1000 year old resting places are on display in a nearby museum.
Anything missing? Yes, of course, the party side of Steyerberg. Although, I’m not sure if the Christmas Market could be considered a party — there’s wine, so yes, we’ll say isn’t that enough to entice you be here? ;-)