Taufkirchen — Its Culture Might Tear You Away From Munich

Those who are planning on going to Taufkirchen need to know which city they are actually going to. There are several different cities (or municipalities) with the same name across Germany and Austria. This one of about 18,000 citizens is just outside of Munich.

There are two big museums in the city. The first is the City Museum Wolfschneiderhof. This museum is in the Wolfschneider house, which is the oldest building in the city, being built in the 18th century.

The second museum, a relatively new one, is the Keltenhaus.

When they were building a new sports field the construction workers found a ton of different old graves. These graves date back from both the late stone ages and the time of the Romans.

The museum that is built next to the sports field shows pictures and documents about the discovery and removal of the artifacts. If you want to see some of the artifacts themselves, take a trip to the city hall when it is open.

There are some festivals that you shouldn’t miss if you can plan your trip to Taufkirchen around some certain dates. In late June or early July there is a wine festival in the town. Although this town is in Bavaria and isn’t associated with making wine, their partner city in France is, so every year they have a wine festival.

Want to relax with a bit of culture? Then check out what the Cultural Center Ritter-Hilprand-Hof has on their schedule. The center is all inclusive with performances and exhibits and a restaurant to quench your before or after hunger or thirst.

Because it is easy to get to from Munich with just a ride away on the local train, Taufkirchen is a great place to spend the afternoon or even a whole day and night. For such a small town, you would be surprised at what Taufkirchen has to offer.


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