Töging am Inn — No Castle, But Lots Of Markets!

Alongside an artificial water canal and a solar power plant is the wonderful Upper Bavarian town of Töging am Inn.

Now, if you’re looking for the quintessential medieval castle, you’ve wandered into the wrong place. But, if you’re looking for a fun festival town… well then, partner, you’ve come to the right place.

But, first things first. A trip to Töging should start at the white Rathaus building on the Rathausplatz. Snap a few photos of the Hochzeitbrunnen (Wedding Fountain), then off you go!

Go where? Oh, sorry! How about to any one of Töging’s markets or festivals? Start the year off right with the Dreikönigssingen or Three King Sing, which kicks off in early January. Then there’s the monthly Flohmarkt on the Volksfestplatz, which is a Flea Market held on the last Saturday of the month; except July, December, and January.

On top of the Flea Market, there’s Töging’s Weekly Market (on the Rathausplatz) on Thursdays starting at 2pm. The Rathausplatz is also where Töging holds its Luziamarkt, a Christmas Market that takes place on the 3rd weekend of Advent.

There’s also a monthly Trödlermarkt, on the 1st Sunday of the month. This is an all day affair, starting at 10am and doesn’t end until 5pm! But, the Herbstmarkt (Autumn Market) only happens once a year — the 2nd weekend of October.

Are you all shopped out yet? There’s one more left before you’re done. But, it’s not really a market; it’s a festival. The Maibaumfest is an early May affair; and a great chance to try some local Upper Bavarian dishes and beer.

Oh, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to try a famous German beer. Just pull up a chair at a cozy local beer garden and off you go!

All right, you’ve reached the end of the “sightseeing” in Töging. But, you’re not left without anything else to do. There’s always swimming, miniature golf, hiking, cycling, and golfing.

You know, an outdoor beer garden is a great way to enjoy Upper Bavaria. And I think you’ll think so, too. After a couple hefty Weizen, you won’t even miss the castle that isn’t here. ;-)


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