Tuntenhausen — Spiritual Gathering On The Way Of St. James

Would you believe of all the churches and chapels in the 57 villages and hamlets of Tuntenhausen, only one is a pilgrimage church? Weird, isn’t it?

A funny choice of words, I must say. But, I find it extremely curious.

The pilgrimage church in question is the Wallfahrtsbasilica, said to be the site of a mid-15th century miracle. So many people used to show up back then, the entire building had to be rebuilt on a bigger scale.

The church, BTW, didn’t become a basilica until Pius XII made it one; and you’re welcome to visit any day from 8am to 8pm — for free no less.

Tuntenhausen’s other must-see is the Monastery Beyharting, once belonging to the Augustinian monks. I’m sure they delighted looking at the 16th century frescoes, as I know you will.

You know what, forget that I said that’s all in the must-see department. Just about all the chapels and churches in Tuntenhausen are worth seeing. Dettendorf’s St. Nicholas Church is a Romanesque one, as is the St. George Church (built 1200) in Thal.

I haven’t even gotten to all the Gothic ones yet, like St. Ulrich’s in Biberg and the St. Margaret Church in Sindlhausen.

Tired yet? Please, I haven’t even gotten to the chapels yet. Bolkam’s got one, the Klausenkapelle, built in the 19th century; and in Guperding there’s one built in a Neo-Gothic style.

With all the outstanding churches you’d think that a castle might get lost in the countryside. For an average castle, maybe. Not for the Renaissance Schloss Maxlrain. The magnificence of this castle with its onion domes are only enhanced by its Gothic and Rococo Chapel, and its tree “alley” from the 18th century.

Come to think of it… all these churches (and the castle) make for great stops for anyone traveling along the Way Of St. James. I would suggest that maybe you might want to spend a night or two at one of the local farmhouse/guesthouses. This way you can see all of them, and the Upper Bavarian countryside while you’re at it.


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