Wallersdorf — Festive Town For A Grand Time

Wasn’t it a line in the movie Forest Gump that says, “Life’s like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get”? Life may be like that. Life might be messy too. But, I do know what you’re going to get when you arrive in Wallersdorf.

An outrageously good time.

Wallersdorf is a fun town in Lower Bavaria of lots (and lots) of festivals and markets throughout the year. In early March the town has its Starkbierfest. And at the end of the month is the Josefimarkt, giving you the chance to shop and eat yourself silly.

Come sometime in May (depends on the holiday of Pentecost) when the Pfingstmarkt is another one of those shopping, eating, and drinking opportunities. Not too much later everyone gets together again for the Dorffest. Ahh, a village festival that brings people from all over the area to celebrate. Well, that holds also true for the week-long Volksfest in June. In July the Fisherman’s Festival is another one of those eating and drinking celebrations.

September is a busy month for those in and around Wallersdorf. In the middle of the month the Autumn Fair takes place, as does the annual Wine Festival. October is busy with the Kirchweihmarkt; and it all ends with the Christmas celebrations.

Wallersdorf takes great pride in finding some of the biggest trees to decorate for the holiday. Come take a look and decide for yourself.

The parties of Wallersdorf aren’t the only things you’ll find. There are a number of old churches throughout its 17 villages. One of its most famous is its Pfarrkirche St. Alban, a white building contrasted by its dark onion dome.

It’s the same kind of architecture that awaits you at the Pfarrkirche St. Rupert. And a smaller onion dome is found at the St. Sebastian Chapel.

Sorry, no onions at the St. Johannis Church, the St. Anthony Chapel, Holy Cross Pfarrkirche See, the Cemetery Chapel Wallersdorf, or the church of St. Laurentius — but I’d still go if I were you.

You should’ve known that there would be this many churches and chapels — I said there were 17 villages, right?

You couldn’t possibly do them all in one day, so good thing there are a couple of guest houses in town — one being really convenient since its right on the Marktplatz.

Makes that really convenient for all the partying action that’s made Wallersdorf famous. Didn’t I tell you, you’d know what you’re gonna get?


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