There are nine districts in Weather. I mean Wetter. It’s so easy to be confused because “wetter” in German means “weather” in English.
But, the town’s not named because of crazy weather phenomenon. Like you won’t have to worry about a blizzard hitting in the middle of August or anything. If this happens, call me and I’ll be right over so I can make a snowfort. ;-)
Honestly, whether rain, sunshine, or snow it’s always a great time to see the Hessian town of Wetter. Well, maybe not the rain since it might keep you from enjoying the many walking paths, hiking and cycling trails, and Nordic Walking routes.
But, don’t let a little rain keep you from enjoying Wetter’s Grenzgangfest since this festival is held once every seven years. The one in 2008 was a super huge success with its streets filled with locals and visitors alike!
On the off years Wetter’s sightseeing remains the same. Start at the Gothic Monastic Church St. Maria (now an Evangelical Church) which is still holding services since the 13th century.
Castle Mellnau is just about as old. The castle was built around 1248, and has been in ruins since it was destroyed in the 16th century. It’s only open to tourists on weekends from March to November (1pm-6pm — great for you folks that aren’t morning people, me included).
If you want to do a little genealogy, then head to Wetter’s City Archives where most of the town’s history from the 16th century to the present is kept.
While you’re walking around town you’ll find so many half-timbered houses to take pictures of. Some of them predating 1629 — those are the ones that survived a devastating fire that year — they’re the oldest ones in town. Even the Rathaus (built in 1680) had to be rebuilt, which the residents did (and still in the framework style).
The last stop is Wetter’s former synagogue. The building itself is a fine example of 19th century architecture with framework accents. It was destroyed in November 1938, but it’s been restored and is now a culture and meeting center for everyone.
Remember, if it snows in August in Weather — I mean Wetter — don’t forget to call… I’ll have my scarf & gloves ready. ;-)