Zeulenroda-Triebes Loves To Celebrate Their Carp! ;-)

To the south of the Greiz District in Thuringia is the small town of Zeulenroda-Triebes. Close to the border with the Czech Republic and in the highlands of the Thuringian Slate Mountains, this region also has plenty of lakes and patches of forest for those who appreciate nature.

The town itself is certainly as interesting as the surrounding environment, and has some unique and historic buildings to show you. The most obvious is the highly decorative neo-classical Town Hall — as white as the snow that fall here in the winter. It stands proud in the extremely clean streets and plazas around here — and certainly draws a crowd throughout the year.

Outside here under the shadow of the 3 story tower balanced on the roof of the Town Hall is a little fountain, with a long local history. You can’t help but hear about the Karpfenpfeiferlegende or Carp Piper Legend in Zeulenroda-Triebes. It’s a legend that has been encouraged here about a local stately character who tricked the locals with a bet about his “whistling carp.”

Now, carp is celebrated as a culinary dish locally and great feasts took place around the “carp harvest” in October. And we all know that men like to boast about their fish! And it was this boasting that was the basis for the legend in the first place! ;-) The locals were not pleased — and have not forgotten…

It is even celebrated today as their town mascot!

The town also has a pleasant mix of old and new with the 17th century Winkelmannsche Haus in Triebes being the oldest and the Waikiki Indoor Pool being one of the newest. There are lots of everything in-between including the unusual Dreieinigkeitskirche — the Church of The Holy Trinity, the large pedestrianized shopping areas, and the theater.

Out of town, there is yet more. There is a huge dam to the north of Zeulenroda-Triebes where you can get some amazing views over the water. There are several dams on the lake and many well-signed walking trails around it edges.

Another trail not to be missed is the Planetary Trail which takes place at night as the sky is so clear here!

There is yet more to see in the form or feathers and fur at the Game Reserve. This free wildlife park is a great day out for the family — with over 150 birds in outdoor aviaries, including parrots.

There are many places to walk. Relax or picnic here, and you can even have yourself a donkey ride!


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