Zschopau — Its Majestic Wildeck Castle Makes The Czech Jealous

Who new the little white granular substance of salt was so important? Zschopau did; as it was once on the old Salt Road. Today it’s known for its motorcycles.

Over at its Schloss Wildeck you’ll even find a motorcycle museum. A lot is crammed into this massive 12th century castle, including a printing museum and an urban history museum. There’s also a library and a Baroque garden which can bee seen from the castle’s tower.

From the castle you can see clear over to the town’s St. Martin’s Church. The church overlooks the Marktplatz which is a blend of Old World Europe (think framework buildings) and modern day living.

In this part of Saxony, there are many cycling and hiking trails to get away from the hustle of modern living. Just in case you WANT to get away. Just in case ANY of MY READERS would EVER want to get away from it.

Ever told you I’m excited about this utterly beautiful town? :-)

If you want to join in on any one of Zschopau’s many festivals, you’ll be more than welcome. Party Middle Ages style at the beginning of April for the town’s Medieval Pagent, the City Celebration is at the end of August, and July has the Castle Run & Boat House Celebration (as usual, that’s a freakin’ long title in German: Landschafts- Burgenlauf, Bootshausfest)

Oh, even better is the Wine and Old Town Celebration in September, the Autumn Festival in October, and the Christmas Market in December.

Hey, all these festivals are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry. Oh, not that I’m complaining and neither will you when you try a few delicious Saxon specialties.

Try the Quarkkeulchen that’s made with potatoes, eggs, flour, sugar, and quark (a cheese curd). It’s topped with cinnamon and served with coffee.

The Saxons were onto something when they started serving coffee with their cakes. Oh yeah, it tastes good and they were the first ones to do it in all of Germany. Good thinking, Smart Saxons!


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