Biebergemünd Is A True Hessian Party Town

I don’t know how the Hessian town of Biebergemünd can concentrate just about a million and a half festivals into its six villages. Yes, I’m over stating the million and a half, because it’s probably only a mere million. ;-)

Kidding aside, it just seems like there are that many festivals, because every time you turn around, there’s one going on. Don’t believe me? How about this:

Other than the Local History Museum (called Heimatmuseum and only open the 1st Sunday of the month) and the 11th century Mauritius Chapel (an 11th century pilgrimage church) and the Kneipp walking pool (open May-October and close to a playground, pond, and BBQ spots) there’s nothing else to do except party.

January kicks off the year’s festivities in Biebergemünd with a Masked Ball. Then Carnival is a fun way to keep warm in the middle of winter (maybe it‘s the wine).

You’ve got a reprieve for a while since the next festival is the Dorffest or Village Fest that doesn’t take place until May; which is when the Kassel Musicians Concert usually takes place, too.

June is pretty active with the Straßenfest (Street Festival), the Brunnenfest (Fountain Festival), and Pfarrfest Wirtheim. And July is no slacker in the party department, either; with the Mühlenfest (Mills Festival), the Feuerwehrfest (Firemen Festival — think hunky firemen — yes, ladies I‘m looking out for you on this one ;-), and two Fischerfeste (Fishermen Festivals).

Are you tired of partying yet? Not me. I still know the Kerb (Church Festival) and the Pfarrfest (Parish Festival) are August favorites.

Oh, silly me! There is another Kerb and Parish Festival that takes place in September. With six hamlets, there’s bound to be more than just one.

Of course, if you’re too tired to keep going, might I suggest you take the day off to go fishing or take a quiet leisurely stroll along some walking paths.

Then maybe instead of thinking about a million festivals, you’ll think you’re a million kilometers away from the rest of the world.

Remember, though, that I haven’t listed each and every party but just a selection of it. Told you it’s a million! Don’t say I haven’t warned you… ;-)


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