Bogen — Pilgrimage Town Exemplary For Gemütlichkeit

If I sat here and wrote about all of Bogen’s sites, festivals, attractions, and everything in-between I’d be here all day (so would you, reading it). Lower Bavaria scored big with this little gem that’s smack dab in the middle of the Bavarian Forest and the romantic Danube River.

To make your life easier when you arrive here, take the 1 1/2 hour guided tour that starts at the Town Square, ending at the vaulted cellar of the Old Town Hall that’s been here since the Middle Ages. Best of all, it’s FREE (‘though donations are gladly accepted).

Bogen has more churches than you can shake a stick at, including St. Florian’s Gothic church (1486). From 1803, the church of Sts. Peter & Paul has been “just” a Parish Church. Prior to that it, was the Monastery Church in Oberalteich (one of Bogen’s shires) and had been since 1100 A.D.

However, it is the Pilgrimage Church of Maria Ascension that steals the show around here. It’s one of the oldest of its kind in all of Bavaria and dates to 1104.

Speaking of pilgrimages, that’s a big draw to Bogen and Lower Bavaria. On Whitsunday (seven weeks after Easter) people from all over trek the 75km pilgrimage carrying a 50kg (approx 100 lbs.) “candle” made of wood in a procession known as Pfingstkerzenwallfahrt. As with most German monster words, you don’t have to say it — just do it. ;-)

Don’t confuse it with the Jugendwallfahrt, a pilgrimage (in May) designed for the younger set that starts with a mass and ends with music and theological discussions.

Although, it is the Heimatfest that gives you an example of Bavarian Gemütlichkeit, a word that’s becoming all the rage now. In case you’re not aware, it’s a Bavarian word for an idea of belonging, acceptance, and all-around good cheer. It must be the beer that does it. ;-)

Hiking and biking in the Bogenberg is a good idea and a fantastic place to end your stay in Bogen. One route starts at the Danube winds it way around to the River Regen along an old railway route in the forest.

You won’t have any worries about NOT experiencing Bavarian Gemütlichkeit — Bogen is an outstanding place for it.


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