Calberlah — Easy Going And Fun

For a while there it seemed I spent all my time in the southern part of the country, so it sure is nice to head north again. I guess I should be saying, it’s nice to find myself in the town of Calberlah — which is an independent municipality in the Samtgemeinde Isenbüttel, the latter of which is a Collective Municipality.

Official names and borders aside, Calberlah borders the city of Wolfsburg, and is comprised of seven districts with names like Allenbüttel and Allerbüttel. A bit confusing, yes?

While the names can trip you up a bit, Calberlah is an easy going place, just as it is fun.

Easter bonfires are really popular up here in North Germany, as are Maypole celebrations on May 1st. Another popular event held every May is the Allerlauf, an annual marathon. The land’s kinda flat around here — but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna run it. ;-)

Sitting around with a glass of wine is more my speed today, so lucky me when I found a Wine Festival taking place in July. And I love good eats, so I fully appreciate the King’s veggie (asparagus) being grown in these parts.

Too bad there isn’t an Asparagus Festival, but you will find an Oktoberfest (in October), outdoor cinema events, a Fackel- und Laternenumzug (Torch & Lantern Parade) in November, and a Village & Advent Market in early December.

Sounds like a lot, right? Please, that’s not even the half of it here in Calberlah — I forgot to mention the Hoffest in May and the Hobby & Craft Market in July, too.

With all this going on it doesn’t leave too much time for traditional sightseeing — so you better quick get over to the Lutheran Church of St. John the Baptist. Hold on a sec, who am I kidding, the church has been here for 800 years — where’s it going?

You know what, I’m not going anywhere either — I think I’ll stick around for a bit longer. ;-)


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