Flein — Sweet Wine In The Swabian-Franconian Forest

We think we’re all sophisticated, smart, and even clever in today’s world. What did the Romans know? What did the Celts do, let alone the guys from the Stone or Bronze Age? They knew enough to live here in what is today the cute lil’ town of Flein in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Can’t say it was the wine that kept them; that didn’t come around until the 13th century. I’m thinkin’ it had to be the classy Swabian-Franconian Forest that kept them here.

Too bad they didn’t have all the modern conveniences like we got now. ;-)

Not much of Flein looks the way it did back then. A lot of building has gone on over the last seven centuries or so. Starting with the Church of St. Vitus, built in 1233; which has a War Memorial to the town’s WWI and WWII soldiers.

The Fischerhaus came much later in 1592 (it’s a half-timbered Renaissance style building), and the Kornhaus only three years later — built in the same gorgeous framework construction style.

Ahh, I tried to do this in order but I forgot one: the Karmeliterhäuschen or Carmelite House, built in 1537. This brings me back to the wine for a minute — this house overlooks the prettiest vineyards.

And this is a good idea to give Flein’s Wine Festival (in June) an honorable mention. So important is the grape around here that Flein even has its own Wine Column.

Flein is also artistic. It’s the hometown of local sculptor, Friedrich Göttle, and the house he used to live in is located at Ilsfelder Straße 72.

I wonder if Herr Göttle was ever inspired by the Autumn Harvest Festival in October, or the May Day festivities (May 1st)? And too bad they didn’t have Cabaret Days or church concerts back in Celtic times like they do now. I’m pretty sure the Romans did more marching for military reasons instead of taking a leisurely evening hike like you can now.

Guess we are a bit more clever in today’s world, after all… ;-)


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