Hagenbach — Pure, Pleasant, Palatinate

Today it’s all about the Palatinate town of Hagenbach. If you’ve never heard of Hagenbach before, you’ll really be grateful you’ve gotten the chance now.

As far as geography goes, Hagenbach is found on the Rhine, thus on the border of Baden-Württemberg, right near the border of France.

But long before there was a Germany and France, the Romans made this place their home. It doesn’t take much imagination to see Roman soldiers and Centurions marching their way along a Roman road. Look closely, you’ll see one of their milestones.

In regard to German and French relations — the German/French Festival kind of says it all. Great food, great wine, smiling faces, dancing, marching bands — yeah, it’s lovely here.

What’s even better is Hagenbach isn’t a one-festival town. Heck no, they’re all about the Kerwe (a Church Festival) in October, they celebrate Carnival, and the wine flows during the Hagenbacher Stadtfest (City Festival).

Let’s see, I’ve mentioned the wine, the Romans, the festivals… what else? Ah yes, the ever so elegant St. Michael’s Church — a stunning example of Rococo art and architecture from around 1752. And there’s the Church of St. Bartholomew, just a tad older, as it was build around 1744.

You know what else is nice about the 17th and 18th centuries? Yes, you got it — half timbered houses. There are quite a number of them found throughout Hagenbach’s villages. Come to the Hauptstraße in Neuburg am Rhein, and you’ll see what I mean.

Neuberg am Rhein, by the way, also has the Rheinmuseum — if you’re into the whole museum going thing.

For those who yearn for an even quieter pursuit, you’ll find it on just about any hiking trail through the Bienwald. Or, you could take a horseback ride, a bicycle ride, or set out on one of the four Nordic Walking trails — ranging from 5 km, to a more hearty 12 km.

It’s really great to tell you about charming places like this one, and I hope you find Hagenbach as pleasant as I do.


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