Hermsdorf (Thuriniga) — Nice Stop Between Two Autobahns

If you’re traveling along the A4 Autobahn and come up to an intersection for the A9 Autobahn, this will lead you to the town of Hermsdorf in Thuringia.

Decisions. Decisions. Do you get off of the A4 and end up in the town’s north, or get off the A9 and photograph the south of Hermsdorf first?

Although, Hermsdorf is pretty small with only about 8,000 residents, so it’s a nice place to stop for a few hours before flying back down the best roadway ever.

Hence there’s not a lot of sightseeing, but its festivals are pretty cool. Lucky for me it was the second weekend in September when the Street Festival was going on. The call of the food, beer, and music is too much to ignore.

Great, now I got to stay the night after all the drinking. Good thing there are a few guesthouses in town to accommodate, including the Gasthof zum Schwarzen Bär that’s been around since 1646.

If I had come about two weeks after Pentecost (check the Christian calendar — as it changes) is the Maypole Festival; yet another excuse to drink and dance in the streets.

It’s a bit more subdued during the Christmas Concert, held on the 4th weekend of Advent.

Got to Hermsdorf and no festival going on? Don’t freak, you can find something to do. Depending on the weather, you’ve got football, handball, volleyball, and ice skating to break up the day. Plus, there’s in indoor swimming complex if you want to do that, too.

The more historical side of Hermsdorf can be found by visiting the Schulstraße 19 where you’ll see three crosses. Legend says 3 nuns were struck by lightning here on this very spot.

Over at Eisenberger Straße is a memorial to World War II forced labor workers. And no too far away are the ruins of medieval monastery from 1240.

My trip to Hermsdorf is done so I’m getting back in the Porsche and heading on my way. I wonder where the next interchange will take me; and I’m sure I’ll write all about it when it happens.


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