Hiddenhausen, occupying the northeast part of North Rhine-Westphalia, is situated in the hilly Ravensberger Hollow.
Geographical features which make up the lay of the land include the Werre River and the Teutoburg Forest. This makes for verdant scenery and plenty of outdoor recreation.
In addition, the history of the area is extensive, considering that it has been inhabited since prehistoric times, despite the relative newness of the town, administratively speaking.
Culturally, the city has much to offer. The Olof-Palme-Gesamtschule offers small theater performances by various types of artists. Holzhandwerksmuseum is a museum which focuses on the history of woodcarving and carpentry, an attraction which is unique travel fare.
For great music, Shanty-Chor des Heimatvereins can be counted on. The choir will keep your ears pleased, as well as your heart, with their pleasant music.
A charming castle serves as the home of a modern biology center in Hiddenhausen. Gut Bustedt is a landmark for the town and is much beloved by children and young people, as well as biology buffs.
Another monument to see was also once a grand home. Haus Hiddenhausen was the aristocratic home of the Consbruch family. It is a fine example of the Baroque style of their time (17th an 18th century). Many people today marvel at the architectural wonder of the medieval and Baroque periods, as will you.
Dating back much earlier is the Evangelisch-lutherische Pfarrkirche St. Gangolf, or St. Gandolf’s Church, which originated in the year 800 AD. The church is very old indeed, but still not quite as old as human habitation in the area. If you wish to see a very early Christian church, this is a stop you must see while here.
Experience ancient history in the castles and churches of Hiddenhausen. Lush hillsides and forested river regions make up the verdant scenery of the area, which will also keep you wanting more. Sweet music mixed with interesting attractions, such as the woodworking museum, will provide you with all you need for pleasant days.