Hüllhorst’s motto is Leben in Guter Atmosphäre, meaning Live In A Good Atmosphere and nothing could be more true. Though not all of us are going to be lucky enough to live here, we are lucky enough to at least visit!
A wonderful way to see around town is either walking or cycling. Since Hüllhorst is on the Westfälische Mühlenstraße or Westphalian Mill Road, you’re treated to many wonderful windmills along the way. Windmühle Struckhof is one such windmill, having been built in 1797.
Hüllhorst’s Nature Park is another way of enjoying the great outdoors and filled with many local plants, trees, and forest animals. There’s paragliding and hot air balloon rides over the windmill and nature park in the warmer months, great for seeing so much more of the Westphalian countryside.
You’ll also find half timbered buildings along many ol’ delightful tree lined streets, which seem to only add to the town’s beauty.
If old architecture is right up your alley, you’ll be more than happy stopping at the Andreas Church. Its tower dates back to 1310 even though the church was rebuilt in 1870. Built a few centuries after Andreas Church in 1646 is Hüllhorst’s Wassermühle (Water Mill), one of the town’s more historical sites.
Nothing seems to be older here than the finds in the neighborhood of Büttendorf. It’s where you’ll find archaeological finds from the 3rd through 1st centuries B.C.
For even more in-depth look at Hüllhorst’s history, the Local History Museum is filled with many old pictures of how this place looked from years past. There’s also a large private collection of old furniture and clothing, as well as an old Toy Museum with exhibits on old handmade dolls and cars.
Of course, you’re not limited to just old historic buildings and flying around the town’s friendly skies. This place likes to party, which is more than evident at the annual May Celebration and its Harvest Festival (held annually in September). There’s even a lovely outdoor theater that hosts concerts or plays.
Most of Hüllhorst is best enjoyed in warmer months when you’re able to get out and explore this town that’s been around for a thousand years. But even if you happen to visit when colder weather and snow have made their annual appearance, you’ll still enjoy a Leben in Guter Atmosphäre. ;-)