Leinburg — Can’t Get Any Work Done In The Franconian Jura

We all know the stereotype that Germans like to work. Hard. Imagine my surprise in the Bavarian town of Leinburg where they have so many festivals that even I have to scratch my head wondering how the hell does anyone gets any work done.

Truth is, that as hard as the everyday German works, that’s how hard they like to play. You gotta blow off some steam somehow, right?

Before even I get distracted by what’s in store for the year in terms of festivals, let me tell you about the sightseeing in Leinburg.

You can’t miss the Moritzberg, a huge mountain overlooking town. The closest village is Diepersdorf, if you really wanna get up close & personal with it.

Isn’t it pretty here in the Franconian Jura? I think so too. How could you not when Leinburg’s village of Gersberg is all meadows of color and thick forest?

This is also where you’ll find the Burgstall Ödes Schloss. Ha, no wonder all that remains is what used to be a moat — its name means Dreary Castle. Wait… weren’t most medieval castles dreary to begin with?

Nevermind, there’s no time to ponder this stuff… Gotta head to Entenberg to take a ski lift up the mountainside. Better yet, time to visit the Brauerei Bub.

Can’t make it? Don’t worry, plenty of chances to drink a pint at one of the five Kircheweih celebrations at the end of May, the end of June, the middle of July, early August, and one at the end of August.

Please, I haven’t even told you about the Pfarrfest in July, the Leinburger Fair (Kirwa), the Maibierfest (May Beer Festival), the Summer Festival in July, the Roßeichenfest on the 3rd weekend of July, the Marktplatzfest in early September, and I damn well almost forgot about the Village Festival at the end of April.

What’s worse, is that I got so wrapped up with all this partying I forgot all about the Evangelical St. Leonhard Church that was built in 1386.

See, even I can’t manage to get any work done in Leinburg. They sure are a bad influence around here — but Leinburgers sure as heck know how to have a good time. :-)


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