Rennertshofen — Magnificence On The Danube

My life is terrible. A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y horrible. It’s just awful that I have to, get this, spend my days in spectacular towns like Rennertshofen near the Altmühl Valley Nature Park, and along scenic routes like the Danube Bike Path.

Um, I sure do hope you can hear (pardon me, read) my sarcastic tone coming across these webpages — because my life is freakin’ awesome, all because of towns like Rennertshofen. This surely is a top town.

You name it, chances are this place has it. History? Yup. Gorgeous scenery? That too. What about festivals and cultural events? Oh, Baby, you have no idea.

Intrigued? Yeah, thought you’d be. No more time for chit-chat, it’s time to see places like the caves in the village of Mauern, created way back in the Ice Age. And it’s time to walk along places like Marktstraße, where you’ll find the old City Gates, or see such beauties like the Rathaus (Town Hall) from the Renaissance period.

Speaking of old, how about going to see the castle ruins in the village of Hütting. This poor suffering castle was built in the 11th century, only to be destroyed a couple hundred years later, then rebuilt and destroyed yet again.

At least the Schloss Stepperg, with its graceful windows, fared better. And the pretty churches found throughout Rennertshofen’s (roughly) two dozen villages are outstanding pieces of architecture. So, yes, that means you need to see places like the Church of St. Michael (built 14th century), the Antoniuskapelle (1676), and the Leonhardskapelle at the cemetery (1686).

I’m almost always going to find my own favorite, and this time it’s the local Parish Church. What? Don’t judge me too harshly, it’s easy to fall in love with the church’s painted ceiling, its chandeliers, and its gold-accented altars.

Just like it’s easy to fall in love with one (or all) of Rennertshofen’s festivals and cultural events. Please forgive me if I miss one, but here’s the list: a Maypole celebration, followed by the Dorffest (Village Festival), whereas June is the month for both the Summer Festival and the Pfarrfest (Parish Festival).

July is time for the Antonibergfest, followed by the Pfarrfest in Trugenhofen in August, and a 2-day Herbstfest (Autumn Festival) in September. October has the Wine Festival, and early November has the Leonhardiritt.

When you’re not partying until the cows come home (a lovely expression for staying out all night), you can go cycling or hiking around the Urdontal, which meets up with the totally romantic Danube. Of course there’s always that Altmühl Valley Nature Park I mentioned.

Yup, my life is terrible, isn’t it? ;-)


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