Rotthalmünster — Pretty Gems On A Pilgrimage

With such magnificent neighbors like Bad Griesbach and Bad Füssing, it’s easy for a town like Rotthalmünster to get lost next to its prominent neighbors. But, I say, no way — the 85 districts of this town (with such traditional German names like Leherbauer, Eggenberg, and Auggenthal) are fantastic enough to keep up.

Add in the fact that Rotthalmünster is neatly tucked away near Austria — it’s fairly easy to find within Lower Bavaria.

But I’m not here to just talk about Rotthalmünster’s geography; although you’ll find it right along the Via Nova Pilgrimage Route. With a scenic route with a name like that, you’re sure to have a pilgrimage church, right? Of course you are — and it’s the Pilgrimage Church of Mater Dolorosa, built only in 1737.

Do you want an older church? Who doesn’t? And the oldest one in town belongs to the Kloster Asbach, an 11th century church that once belonged to the Benedictines. But, the Monastic Church of St. Matthew is really another creation from the 1730s.

Over in the village of Weihmörting the Pfarrkirche St. Martin is also a medieval church, from the 14th century. And there’s yet another Pfarrkirche (Parish Church) that’s a great example of late-Gothic 15th century architecture.

As for some of Rotthalmünster’s other architectural gems, I’d suggest visiting an old guesthouse (one of them dating back to the 17th century); the Rathaus (Town Hall) from the 1830s; and there are plenty that frame around the Marktplatz.

Ohh, I almost forgot all about the Brauhaus (Brewhouse) on Griesbacher Straße. How could I ever do that, it’s been here since the 19th century. I must be slipping in my old age. ;-)

You know what, maybe you shouldn’t always listen to me — go learn more at the Heimatmuseum (Local History Museum), which is open from May to September on Sundays and holidays. I’ve probably said it a million times, these local history museums are a treasure trove of what life was once like around here.

Forget about what was, it’s great as it is now. Just don’t tell my history loving side I said that, OK?


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