Sande — A Friesian Town Without The Tea Drinking!

Don’t confuse yourself about the Frisian town of Sande. Yes, it’s in the Friesland part of Germany. But, it’s NOT in the tea drinking (spiked with rum in the winter) part of East Frisia.

This town is but a small jaunt to the beer making town of Jever and the harbor town of Wilhelmshaven only 7km away (and whose castle was destroyed by pirates in 1433).

With that History and Geography lesson over, it’s time to get down to business about what a tourist has to do in this small town. For starters, you could see the town’s landmark — the Marienturm or Marian Tower from the former 16th century castle.

There’s another castle to see. Oh, I’m sorry, it’s known as a Wasserschloss, which means it has a moat. But, visions of castles in my head ALWAYS have a moat, and it’s used throughout the year for various events, like the Castle Fest in May.

The other big festival in Sande is the Sander Market, which isn’t a market in the traditional sense… it’s a Folk Festival, held every July.

Another cool thing about Sande is that it’s along the Frisian Heerweg, a 400km cycling trail that goes through the German Friesland. Even if you don’t travel along the entire route, it’s still nice to pass along the canals and windmills, for which Sande has two of them (one of them the traditional Dutchman).

Cycling isn’t the only past time. You got canoeing, sailing, and paddle boating. I’m worn out just typing about it — let alone actually doing it.

I’m going to just wander about the Sculpture Path, check out Sande’s former synagogue, and take some pictures of the harbor. Then I’m going to grab my swimming gear, slather on some SPF 15 and soak up the rays at Sande Lake. Ahh, that’s a relaxed pace enough for me. ;-)

Now I can just talk one of you into running over to Jever to get me a beer… I’d have it made!


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