Schlitz Has The World’s Largest Candle!

The Hessian town of Schlitz REALLY (really, really) lives up to its motto: Romantik Trifft Lebensfreude. While somethings NEVER (never, ever) translate properly, it basically means romance is the joy of life. For which you’ll find both romance and joy along Schlitz’s cobblestoned streets smattered with so many framework buildings (especially on the Marktplatz).

Romance, fairytales, castles (there are FIVE of them here). Hmmm, yes, I’m starting to see a pattern here. You too? :-)

On top of it, it doesn’t even take itself too seriously. Look, any town that turns its landmark castle tower (Hinterturm) into the “world’s largest (red) candle” during Advent, is a town that knows how to have fun. OK, OK, I know you’re thinking that candles are indicative of a romantic and festive theme; but, it’s still funny nonetheless.

I want the person that thought that up to come to my next party — they’d be a hoot! :-)

Thanks for mentioning parties because Schlitz can throw a dandy fine one. When visiting on odd-numbered years, there’s the Schlitz-Land Costume Festival (2nd weekend in July); in even-numbered years, the Beer Festival reigns supreme. Although, you don’t have to wait for that to join in a beer making tour about town.

All right, back to the romantic part of Schlitz (it’s hard — ’cause I really like the beer thing). Imagine walking along many of the hiking trails through the Hessian countryside, or horseback riding instead. If you’re really (really) ambitious, why not hop in a canoe and row.

If you’re more the type to jump in the water, in lieu of riding on the river that shares a name with the town, do it at either the indoor or outdoor pools.

Save some energy to visit Schlitz’s local history museum (called Heimatmuseum), its Castle Museum, and to lift those pints of locally brewed beers at Oktoberfest.

I hope Romance can find me. I left a message saying that I’d be enjoying a brew outside at one of Schlitz’s beer gardens.


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