Today’s journey took me to the Lower Bavarian town of Schöllnach, near both the Czech Republic and Austrian borders.
Hmm, what a charming — and nationally recognized — resort town this has turned out to be.
Ok, the fact that it’s March and the Starkbierfest is in full swing has N-O-T-H-I-N-G (and everything) to do with. ;-)
That being said, the Strong Beer Festival isn’t the only party in town. In fact, there are quite a number of them to keep you busy if you’re lucky enough to be here for them. So be sure to plan your trip to be here for the 2-day Maifest (early in May), or the 4-day Volksfest in August, and the Adventsmarkt at the end of November.
Since I just jumped from warmer weather stuff to those in the cooler months, you’re gonna have to decide what else you’d like to do here. Winter lovers might appreciate the cross-country skiing trails and the sledding; while those that prefer the warmer climate might like to go horseback riding, mountain biking, or even hang-gliding. There are also all kinds of nature areas to scope out a variety of animals and plants, too.
Another choice to enjoy the great outdoors is Schöllnach’s outdoor swimming pool. For only a few Euro, it’s a day to enjoy the heated pool, its gardens, and its cafe.
Nature lover that I am, doesn’t mean I don’t fully enjoy old architecture — more specifically old churches. Out in the Bavarian Forest (in the village of Außenzell) is the Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt (don’t let the name scare ya, it is the Church of Assumption), built in the 14th century. And there’s also the Church of St. Leonhard, whose construction started in the 15th century.
Do yourself a favor, add a trip to see the St. John the Baptist Church to your list of things to see. Oh, it isn’t out of your way… you’ll find it on the Marktplatz, where it’s been since the late 1400s.
Appreciation of Schöllnach’s architecture doesn’t have to be limited to its churches and chapels. The town even has some centuries old farmhouses, which are also quite lovely — and that’s definitely not the Strong Beer talking. ;-)